"Why aren't there more darkspawn down here?" I asked, looking around, the Deep Roads were rather deserted. "I know he was, he did everything he could to save my father," I said quietly, remembering the night at Highever, I puffed out air and decided to change the subject. "Duncan had told me that he was beginning to feel the corruption," He mumbled and sighed deeply, "He was a great man," Alistair looked up at me, sadness and worry filled his blood-shot eyes, I realized he hadn't slept either, we both knew something was coming in the end. "We cannot stave off the corruption for long and eventually we are called to the Deep Roads, just like the Darkspawn." Alistair ran his fingers through his hair, "Grey Wardens come down here to fight to death." He said sadly, as if remembering something. "Well, you already know that we can sense the darkspawn and the archdemon." Alistair explained, I watched him carefully as he thought about his words. "What's a calling?" I asked sincerely, not really wanting to know the answer. "The Wardens come down here for their calling." He said quietly, "I thought you might want to know, since Duncan never got to explain all the 'pleasant' things that come along with being a Grey Warden." He said sarcastically, frowning. Alistair had come up beside me and puffed out air, bringing my awareness back to him. We walked for some time and I had calmed down from the night before, focusing on the path ahead of me.

"It shouldn't be far then." He said gesturing to a small tunnel on the other side of the side that led even deeper into the earth I groaned internally, I hated the Deep roads and I understood why Alistair had dreaded coming down here. I giggled then remembered I was still angry at him and quickly looked away, Oghren frowned. "Oh, that sounds great." Alistair laughed, smiling at me at the corner of his mouth. "They were heading to the Dead Trenches." I said slowly. "I looked at Branka's notes," I looked over to Oghren, who furrowed his brow. I adjusted my pack and squeezed through the crack in the wall and back into the ancient city.

A tension hung in the air, Cullen continued his dark glares to Alistair, I just wanted to get through the Deep Roads. I sat up and rolled up my bedroll, snapping it onto my pack and joining the others. I rubbed eyes, I hadn't slept since the incident, Cullen's words echoed in my head.