If you prefer to use another uploading method, please make sure it won't expire due to time passed or inactivity. You can drop the compressed file into (no Dropbox account needed).For example if save slots 1 and 3 are experiencing the issue, send me a copy of folders SLOT01 and SLOT03. SAVEGAME - Savegames are located in: \DATA\SAVEGAME\SLOT# - Put that whole subfolder into a compressed format such as.Operating System - "Windows 10 Pro 64-bit", etc.(If you don't remember, provide a savegame) Fixt INSTALL type - Purist, Half-Purist, Standard, Full, etc.

Fixt DOWNLOAD type - Fixes Only, Full Custom, German Uncut.Fixt VERSION number - This can be found in the bottom-left or bottom-right of the main menu screen.Provide the following when reporting bugs: If it is, feel free to add further details to the entry, send me a savegame, and change the status from New to Confirmed. Take a moment to see if your bug is already reported below. A few minutes extra on your end will save me hours :) It's very difficult and time-consuming for me to fix issues without a savegame provided that I can use for testing. When adding a new entry or confirming an existing entry, provide a savegame and as many details as you can recall. This page is for reporting and tracking bugs in the Fallout Fixt mod 4 Suggestions / Ideas / Requests (NOT BUGS).3.9 Endgame (the "endgame mod" and slideshow, credits).3.8 Player (skills, traits, reputation, addictions, etc).3.6 Text, Dialog, Spelling, Grammar Bugs.